The Firm
JOHANSSON & LANGLOIS, is a Counselors-at-Law firm and Agents for Industrial and Intellectual Property matters founded on May 07, 1945.
From the very beginning, the firm strongly focused in Industrial and Intellectual Property, becoming one of the first firms established in Chile that specialized in these legal areas.
We currently have correspondents in many countries around the world and we keep an important portfolio of national and international clients, to whom we provide a complete consultancy service in all legal and technical areas that relate to trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs and drawings, layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits, copyrights, domain names in internet, geographical indications, appellations of origin and technology transfer.
The professional group of JOHANSSON & LANGLOIS is formed by attorneys specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property and by engineers with different specialities, trained to give a dedicated service to our clients in all matters related to the prosecution and obtention of patents.
For more than 75 years, we have kept a personalized service with our clients, relying on modern technology, clear working methods and the permanent training of our members, professionals as well as staff. This has allowed us to have a legal and technical specialization, giving an integral and efficient service to our clients and foreign correspondents.
We also have an out-sourcing group of advisors, trained in different disciplines, that deal with highly specialized technical matters, thus, giving us the possibility of offering a complete and professional service to our clients.
Our Team
Andrés Echeverría
More InformationAndrés Echeverría
Attorney at Law, Universidad Católica de Chile (1974).
WorkLawyer at Johansson & Langlois (1980) and partner (1988).
Former Director of the Industrial Property Chilean Association ACHIPI (1988-2002).
Former Arbiter of NIC Chile.
Member of AIPPI, FICPI, ASIPI, ACHIPI, Chilean Bar Association AG.
Trademarks, patents, criminal law.
Spanish and English.
aecheverria@jl.clFelipe Langlois
More InformationFelipe Langlois
Business Administrator, BA, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (1983).
WorkPartner at Johansson & Langlois (1988).
Director of the Industrial Property Chilean Association, ACHIPI (2002-2011).
Member of AIPPI, FICPI, INTA, MARQUES, ECTA, AIPLA, ASIPI, ACHIPI, ABPI, Chilean Engineering Association AG.
Patents and managing partner of the firm.
Spanish and English.
flanglois@jl.clMax Montero
More InformationMax Montero
Attorney at Law, Universidad de Chile (1991).
WorkLawyer at Johansson & Langlois since 1991 and partner from 2001.
Director of the Intellectual Property Chilean Association (ACHIPI) since 2011, Holding the positions of Treasurer, Vice President and currently President
Trademarks, litigation, infringements.
Spanish and English.
mmontero@jl.clChristopher Doxrud
More InformationChristopher Doxrud
Attorney at Law, Universidad Gabriela Mistral (1998).
WorkLawyer at Johansson & Langlois since 1999 and partner (2012).
Trademark prosecution, trademark and patent litigation, infringements, copyrights, advertising, unfair competition and domain names.
Spanish and English.
cdoxrud@jl.clFlavio Belair
More InformationFlavio Belair
Attorney at law, Universidad Gabriela Mistral (1999).
Magister in Business Rights, Universidad Católica de Chile (2003).
WorkLawyer at Johansson & Langlois since 2001.
Member of ACHIPI, ASIPI and of the Chilean Bar Association AG.
Patents, trademarks and domain names litigations.
Spanish, Italian and English.
fbelair@jl.clEduardo Sanhueza
More InformationEduardo Sanhueza
Electrical Civil Engineer, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (1991).
WorkEngineer at Johansson & Langlois, since 2006.
Member of ACHIPI.
Patents, electric , electronic and telecommunications.
Spanish and English.
esanhueza@jl.clMarcela Ramírez
More InformationMarcela Ramírez
Design Engineer, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (1981).
Trained in patents at the EPO, WIPO and OEPM (1990)
WorkExaminer Chilean Patent Office (1989-1997).
Engineer, patent area at the firm Estudio Harnecker Ltda. (1997-2008).
Engineer at Johansson & Langlois, since 2009.
Member of ACHIPI.
Mechanical engineering patents, utility models, industrial designs and industrial drawings.
Spanish and English.
mramirez@jl.clMa. Antonieta Paredes
More InformationMa. Antonieta Paredes
Chemist – Civil Engineer, Universidad de Chile (1986).
WorkFormer Patent Examiner of the Chilean Patent Office (1999- 2009).
Trained in different patent courses and seminars at the OEPM, WIPO and EPO ( 2000- 2008).
Patent Advisor for different entities (2009- 2012) and External Examiner at the Industrial Property Court (2012-2015).
Chemist Engineer of Johansson & Langlois since 2015.
Patents, chemical and bio-chemical.
Spanish and English.
maparedes@jl.clGiancarlo Vaccarezza
More InformationGiancarlo Vaccarezza
Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Universidad de Chile (2004).
Former Patent Examiner of the Chilean Patent Office (2004-2007).
Engineer of Projects of SKM Chile Ltda., Fluor Chile Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. and Pares y Alvarez Ingenieros Asociados Ltd. (2007- 2015)
Engineer at Johansson & Langlois, since 2015.
Patents, mechanical and mining.
Spanish and English.
gvaccarezza@jl.clDaphnne Alfaro
More InformationDaphnne Alfaro
Chemist – Civil Engineer, Universidad de Chile (1986).
Diploma Course on Innovation and Technology Universidad Alberto Hurtado (2011).
WorkOfficer at CORFO Chile in different areas and projects (1989-2013).
Private advisor of different projects of innovation (2013-2015).
Chemist of Johansson & Langlois, since 2015.
Patents, chemistry and bio-chemistry.
Spanish and English.
dalfaro@jl.clMarion Ortiz
More InformationMarion Ortiz
Attorney at Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibánez (2010)
Diploma on Enviroment and Sustainable Development Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2014)
Course “Intellectual Property, Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions” World Intellectual Property Organization (2016)
Diploma in Branding, Creation of Brand Value, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2020)
Lawyer at Estudio Villeseca (2015-2016).
Lawyer at Aguayo, Ecclefield & Martínez (2012-2015).
Lawyer at Johansson & Langlois since 2018.
Trademarks, litigation, copyright, domain names
Spanish and English
mortiz@jl.clPedro Videla
More InformationPedro Videla
Protection of Personal Data Diplomate at Universidad Católica (2019).
IP Diplomate at Universidad Católica (2018).
Attorney at Law, Universidad Diego Portales (2016).
Internship, Center For Transnational Legal Stuides, (scholarship granted by Diego Portales University) , (London), (2014) .
Internship, YLS (scholarship granted by Diego Portales University) , Yale Law School (United States ), (2012) .
Trainee at Freie Universität, Berlin (2nd semester 2012)
Graduate as a Professional Actor of the Universidad Católica de Chile (2005- 2009).
Paralegal at Carey & Cia (2013-2017), Lawyer at Clarke & Modet (2017-2018), Lawyer at legal division at INAPI, Chilean Trademark Office (2018-2019, Lawyer at Johansson & Langlois since 2019
Trademarks, litigations, copyright, domain names.
Spanish and English